Information for proactive citizens

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Empowering democracy through research, dialogue, and action.

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Our latest projects

Delve into the latest insights and analyses with our projects, where evidence meets action. 
Our research illuminates the pathways to enhanced civic engagement and democratic participation, offering actionable recommendations for policymakers, activists, and citizens alike.

MAR 2024: Actori ai scenei politice internaționale în mediul online românesc

The war in Ukraine remains the main theme that provided contexts for mentions and views for many of the considered actors. Added to this, in March, is also the announcement by President Klaus Iohannis regarding the candidacy for the leadership of NATO, as well as themes with punctual/internal relevance, such as Romania's accession to Schengen…

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Monthly Reports

Feb 2024: Actori ai scenei politice internaționale în mediul online românesc

The war in Ukraine - especially the topic of sending Western troops, as well as the assistance provided to Ukraine, the expansion of the war, or the interview given by Vladimir Putin to Tucker Carlson - was the main theme that provided contexts for mentions and views for the vast majority of the actors considered.…

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Monthly Reports

Other projects

Ian 2024: Actori ai scenei politice internaționale în mediul online românesc
09 Feb 2024
Monthly Reports
Virality Index – OCT-DEC 2023
26 Jan 2024
Quarterly Reports
2023 – Actori ai scenei politice internaționale în mediul online românesc
11 Jan 2024
Monthly Reports
NOV 2023. Actori ai scenei politice internaționale în mediul online românesc
12 Dec 2023
Monthly Reports
OCT 2023. Actori ai scenei politice internaționale în mediul online românesc
10 Nov 2023
Monthly Reports

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Suntem într-o epocă ante-belică în Europa?

Dezbateri despre apărarea vechiului continent   „Vremurile de calm seren s-au încheiat. Epoca post-belică s-a încheiat. Trăim în vremuri noi, într-o epocă ante-belică. De fapt, pentru unii din frații noștri, nu mai este nici măcar o epocă ante-belică, ci un război pe scară largă în forma sa cea mai crudă.” Aceste cuvinte îi aparțin premierului…

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Soldier Military And Man And Woman Salute In Natu 2023 11 27 05 29 41 Utc (1)

Dileme în relația civil – militar în democrații. Greșesc comandanții militari când vorbesc cu presa?

„Eu personal, nu neapărat ca militar, consider că Federația Rusă nu se va opri aici. Dacă va câștiga în Ucraina, principala țintă va fi Republica Moldova. Vom asista la tensiuni în Balcanii de Vest. Sunt mai mult decât convins că politica președintelui Putin va escalada în perioada imediat următoare”, spunea în luna ianuarie Șeful Statului…

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Woman Depositing Voting Ballot Into Ballot Box At 2024 01 09 18 45 57 Utc (1)

De ce sunt atât de importante alegerile europene în acest an și care este miza pentru România

În 2007, proaspăt intrată ca membru cu drepturi depline în Uniunea Europeană, România desfășura primele alegeri europarlamentare, pe fondul unei creșteri economice și cu speranța dată de perspectivele de dezvoltare. În 2024, ne așteaptă în România cea de-a cincea rundă de alegeri europene, iar contextul este cu totul diferit. Trăim într-o realitate profund schimbată, în…

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More about the center

To understand trends of societal change and to promote civic engagement, the Center for Civic Participation and Democracy is focused on employing the most innovative tools in communication and sociological analysis.
We bridge the gap between academic insight and civic action, fostering a community where dialogue, research, and collaboration shape the democratic landscape. Our mission: to empower individuals and communities for a vibrant, participatory future.

Meet the team

Meet the dedicated team behind the Center, a diverse group of thinkers and doers committed to fostering civic engagement. 
Their combined expertise and passion drive our mission forward, making a tangible impact on the fabric of democracy.
Dan Sultănescu

Dan Sultănescu

Research Director
Political science and public communication expert, with experience since 2000 in political campaigns, elections and public communication projects. He holds a PhD at SNSPA, in the field of communication, with a thesis regarding the effects of new media on civic participation and electoral mobilization. He is one of the founders of CPD@SNSPA. He holds a BA…
Daniel Buti

Daniel Buti

Executive Director
Lecturer at the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (Department of International Relations and European Integration), holds a PhD in Political Sciences and he is the author of several books and articles regarding the post-communist Romanian political system and public participation. He worked as an expert or coordinator in various projects and research studies concerning public…
Remus Pricopie

Remus Pricopie

Honorary President
Rector of SNSPA (The National University of Political Studies and Public Administration), Former Minister of Education (December 2012 - December 2014), President of the Board of Directors of the Romanian – US Fulbright Commission, Deputy Member of the Board of the International Association of Universities. He holds a PhD in Political Sciences and he is…

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Our collaborations span academia, civil society, and the public sector, each being vital in amplifying our impact and driving forward the cause of civic participation.

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